Saturday 16 August 2008

classic one always wins

Usually I'm not a big fun of too touristy places in terms of travelling, but when it comes to Asakusa I firmly recommend you foreign readers to make a bit of trip to this old downtown Tokyo; oh yes, the place is super overflowed with foreigners but it's in a way a perfect place if you are looking for something very Japanese-ish which you often find in Lonely Planet guidebook as such. Also even for us Japanese the place offers an amusing experience to catch a glimpse of how foreigners perceive our culture.

Tried our fortunes with Omikuji; we both got Kichi=Blessing *relieved sigh*.

"When spring comes, all trees and grasses are in full bloom. Everything will go good, then you will be happier in the future..."

Thank you my god, I'll stay a good girl;).

Only regret in Asakusa was that I didn't feel like trying real Ningyo-yaki ( famous Asakusa sweet cake with dolly figure) due to insane heat but still monaka-ice ream compensated for my sugary craving:P.

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